Thursday, February 18, 2010

Oh love that drenches thine soul

If I could sum up my emotions into one word or phrase at this point in my life, I honestly wouldn't be able to...

Over the past month God has laid out paths before me (and Adam) that I never imagined setting foot on this early in my life. A month ago I was shaky about life and my future, and now...? I have direction, a goal, a passion. I have a hunger that I have never known in my life... This deep, utter longing for that of which only the creator of the universe can provide.

Now... let me explain... Adam and I have been given a very awesome opportunity... mainly based upon ministering to youth... starting in the next couple months (I say absolutely none of this to brag, if anything I am overwhelmed with humility). I can tell you with every ounce of my heart that I LOVE these kids that God is going to place in our lives and the crazy part is that I don't even know them yet... but even so, I love them...

Which makes me think...

If I, as a human, that has no understanding of the full capacity of God's love can love these kids that I have never met, how much more then does God love them...? He knows everything about them (about me and you) and yet with every flaw, mistake, hurt, He LOVES them (us) in all His fullness. If that doesn't make you want to run and jump into the arms of God... I'm not exactly sure what will.

His grace, and love, and mercy are sooooo very far beyond our comprehension...


simply beautiful.

I encourage you, take a few minutes... or hours... or days just to linger in that love. Just to lay back and allow God to absolutely DRENCH you in rich love and mercy. There is NOTHING on this earth that can fulfill like that love does... He is waiting for you to drink deep of it. Breathe deep and allow God to fill those crevices long forgotten...

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I have always had a very strong passion in my life for writing and literature. I have always been one to write in journal after journal. I feel its finally time I cross the threshold of the blogging world. I have a yearning in my heart to write about God's love and about falling deeper in love with the one who formed us with His own hands... I know I don't have everything figured out... nor do I ever think I will, but I know that by sharing my experiences I can reveal a little of the love that surrounds us. It is up to us to emmerse ourselves within that perfect love... to let God drown us in His beautiful passion and intimacy he so craves from each one of us. So my question is... will you let go...? Will you emmerse...?